
Shouting about results

Written by Natalie Howells | Oct 8, 2020 1:33:58 PM

Do you ever shout about your successes? A lot of businesses do use their blog/news section for that, and others feel that it might, perhaps, be a little bit crass. But if you don't shout about what you've achieved, how will everyone know about it? It's always great to share real cases of what you do and how it works. 

Which is a way of saying that we'd like to share some of our recent results with you... Also, that we fully support shouting about your results and successes - display them loud and proud and let people know what you're all about. 

PPC extravaganza

Since taking over the PPC for one of our HubSpot clients, we've seen enormous improvements. Don't just take my word for it...

Huge well done to the Digital team for these results - which come as a result of overhauling the keyword strategy, improving negative keywords, switching bidding strategies, and keeping a close eye on how things are going. Well done to Alejandro in particular for this one. 

And that's just the start - we're already seeing great results from SEO and content marketing - more on that to follow. 

Walking the walk

When it comes to practicing what we preach, our results show a pretty spectacular success in that arena, too. In fact, we published our HubSpot Implementation case study to demonstrate exactly what we've seen from our own experience. 

Highlights include:

Those results came from:

  • A new website, built on the HubSpot CMS
  • A robust content marketing strategy
  • New content, including ebooks and our Security Score
  • Increased blogging activities
  • Improved sales activities, using Vidyard and automation

Thanks for this go to a lot of people.

Let's start with Martin for our fabulous website on the HubSpot CMS, and for coding the security score (it's complex behind the scenes to make it simple to use).

Claudia for running with our blog and getting more content developed and online.

Alejandro and Tuvana for running and optimising our Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Landing Pages.

Jeremy for utilising our video-first approach as part of the sales process and getting us in front of the right people to build our pipeline.

And, if you'll excuse a little self-congratulation, Natalie (that's me) for building the strategy and content plan. 

As you can see, success is a team effort - that's why we want to celebrate the team. 

Continuous development

One of the things we're also proud of here at SpiderGroup, is the learning and growth mindset of our team. We're constantly developing and expanding our knowledge and horizons - it's why we have so many certifications and partnerships behind us. In the last few months alone:

Jack passed his AZ900 Azure Fundamentals exam - and we all know that Microsoft exams take a lot of work and knowledge, they're no easy feat. 

Claudia and Tuvana both passed their HubSpot Marketing Software certifications, demonstrating their abilities and knowledge of HubSpot, so that they can support our clients and get the most out of the system. 

These are just a few, of course, but this could turn into a seriously long section if we list all of our certifications!


When it comes to onboarding new clients, our team goes the extra mile to make sure you get what you signed up for. A recent new tech client got a great demonstration of this - with Chris and Jamie both spending a very, very long day on site to get the IT systems up and running, ready for ongoing support and development. 

They wouldn't leave until the job was done (rather than leaving it and coming back another day), because they both live our company values of exceeding customer expectations and delivering real value.